We are very sad to announce that GreasySpoon project has been closed. Since its initial public release in 2008, GreasySpoon has grown up to 65k lines of code, being downloaded around 12 000 times.
Website received during that time 50 000 unique visitors for 1 million viewed pages.
However, after many years, our community has become stagnant and our forum never really took off. Even through the use of AGPL license and several known deployments in production, the project never got back real contributions nor sponsors, receiving very few donations in four years (btw a big thanks to the few donators).
As the project was only supported by volunteers, and despite the devotion of some people, it has become impossible to maintain the software with the intended quality.
The latest version produced by the project has been archived here.
For those needing GreasySpoon features in production environment, you should consider L3WS Webflow Adapter commercial solution (corresponding informally to version 2 of GreasySpoon).
If you are looking for an open-source ICAP server, we encourage you to look at - and contribute to - alternative solutions like c-icap.
We're thankful for the interest we've had over the years and hope that new, greater open-source software will blossom out of our absence.